Danillo Roncoleta

Administrador de sistema at NIC.br - Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Danillo Roncoleta's Contact Details
["+55 11 5509-3511","+55 11 5509-3525"]
Danillo Roncoleta's Company Details
NIC.br logo, NIC.br contact details


Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil • 201 - 500 Employees

The Brazilian Network Information Center – NIC.br was created to implement the decisions and projects designed by the Brazilin Internet Steering Committee – CGI.br, which is responsible for the coordination and integration of all Internet service initiatives in the country. NIC.br is the executive arm of the CGI.br. Its mission involves certain rights and obligations, which include: - registering and maintaining <.br> domain names, as well as allocating Autonomous System Numbers (ASN) and IPv4 or IPv6 addresses in the country throug Registro.br; - handling and responding to computer security incidents involving networks connected to the Brazilian Internet, which are activities to be carried out by CERT.br; - projects that support and improve the network infrastructure in the country, such as the direct interconnection between networks (PTT.br) and the distribution of the Brazilian Official Time (NTP.br). These projects are the responsibility of CEPTRO.br; - producing and publishing indicators, statistics and strategic information on the development of the Brazilian Internet, under the responsibility of CETIC.br; - promoting studies and recommending procedures, norms and technical and operational standards that will improve network and Internet service security, as well as ensure its increased and adequate use by society, as established by the W3C.br; - providing technical and operational support to LACNIC, the Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Details about NIC.br
Frequently Asked Questions about Danillo Roncoleta
Danillo Roncoleta currently works for NIC.br.
Danillo Roncoleta's role at NIC.br is Administrador de sistema.
Danillo Roncoleta's email address is ***@nic.br. To view Danillo Roncoleta's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Danillo Roncoleta works in the Internet industry.
Danillo Roncoleta's colleagues at NIC.br are Danubia Borges, Flavio Yanai, Giuliano Galves, Marcelo Oliveira, Renato Oliveira, Adriana Goes, Alessandra Almeida and others.
Danillo Roncoleta's phone number is ["+55 11 5509-3511","+55 11 5509-3525"]
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