Industry 4.0 is here, and it is no longer just an idea, it is our reality. A study by McKinsey Global shows that Automation & Artificial Intelligence will completely change the skills needed in today's workforce in less than 10 years. There will be less emphasis on routine, manual, and basic cognitive tasks and the focus will shift towards higher cognitive thinking, emotional intelligence, and advanced technological skills.The current workforce needs to be trained, nurtured, and engaged. Employee engagement is the best way to grow and develop your workforce. Companies with engaged employees outperformed companies without engaged employees by 200%. In light of this, organizations have to change their human resource strategy by integrating their workforce with autonomics and artificial intelligence to enable their workforce of the future.We at Cuber AI, bring the power of Conversational AI integrated with Autonomics to empower your Human Resource Strategy. Think of us as a virtual assistant for all your business needs. Cuber understands your employees and connects with them on a human level using advanced NLU and ML technologies. Cuber's seamless transition from a Conversational AI to an AI Enabled Autonomics Bot is what sets it apart.Cuber can be customized and tailored to your organizations' size, needs, and ambitions. At present we offer a full basket of human resource related services. Workflow Automation, Conversational Chatbot are just some of our main offerings.We here at Cuber believe that Engagement leads to Enablement. Constantly engage with your employees and learn more about them using Cuber, which can have adaptive, personal, and human like conversations with them. Engaged employees who are reaping the benefits of workflow automation will be enabled to innovate and strategically apply their minds towards the growth and development of the business.