UK Industry's Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Special Interest Group.The aim of CBRN-UK is to act as a focal point to represent the interests of its members to UK Government Departments, Overseas Governments and other organisations or companies concerned with the CBRN sector of business. CBRN-UK provides:- a gateway to the UK CBRN industry;- a focus for UK Government departments to turn to when seeking an industrial view when formulating policy in the CBRN field and a focal point for industry to represent its views to HMG;- a co-ordinating function to communicate with overseas governments and organisations concerned with CBRN equipment or service area and which HMG can utilise to host incoming delegations;- forums in which members and observers can discuss, in confidence, CBRN issues of mutual interest;- opportunities for members to participate in shared marketing activities e.g. exhibitions, conferences; and- opportunities for informed speakers to address members on current and appropriate issues concerned with the CBRN environment.