McCoy Multimedia provides customized courseware, which integrates multimedia technologies and instructional systems design to enhance education and empower students. We build training and education products and services for the U.S. Federal Government, Department of Defense and Industry. McCoy Multimedia develops serious games based training and education. We develop virtual environments and social simulations to provide the learner with an opportunity to interact with virtual characters and apply the knowledge they have acquired in dynamic scenarios. We use sound instructional design principles and advanced technologies and artificial intelligence to ensure quality learning occurs. McCoy Multimedia's qualitative research branch uses Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA), a systems approach to qualitative research, to find solutions ~ even when the problem is an unknown. IQA is a method of qualitative research, which relies upon group processes, interviews, and observation to understand and explain naturally occurring phenomena in a naturally occurring state. McCoy Multimedia specializes in qualitative research study design, focus group facilitation and interview data collection to be used for analysis. McCoy Multimedia provides reports and presents findings and recommendations using Interactive Qualitative Analysis.