RSDN stands for "Russian Software Developers Network" a russian-speaking community of software (and hardware) developers.RSDN has a large community-contributed library of articles in Russian language which covers wide range of programming languages (starting with C/C++/C#/SQL and not ending with esoteric ones), OSes and platforms (.NET, Windows and Unix/Linux, PDA and realtime OSes), libraries and tools. RSDN also hosts a number of [projects]: RSDN@Home (offline client for RSDN forums), R# (metaprogramming support for .NET), Business Logic Toolkit (OR-mapping for .NET) and many others.RSDN also has a well-structured set of moderated forums. A lot of highly qualified professionals (including a number of Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals) regularly visit RSDN forums and take part in sometimes very heated discussions.Online RSDN community is supported by a periodical printed RSDN Magazine.