Danny Revell

Repairs Supervisor at Greatwell Homes - Wellingborough, ENG, UK

Danny Revell's Colleagues at Greatwell Homes
Sue Rogers

Operational Support Assistant

Contact Sue Rogers

Kate Brown

Neighbourhood Housing Assistant

Contact Kate Brown

Loreen Herzig

Head of Greatwell Works

Contact Loreen Herzig

Sarah Brooks

Human Resources Administrator

Contact Sarah Brooks

Sean Jackson

Support Services Manager

Contact Sean Jackson

Nikki Glazebrook

Senior Community Involvement Officer

Contact Nikki Glazebrook

Howard Jones

Support Services Manager

Contact Howard Jones

View All Danny Revell's Colleagues
Danny Revell's Contact Details
+44 1933 234450
United Kingdom
Greatwell Homes
Danny Revell's Company Details
Greatwell Homes logo, Greatwell Homes contact details

Greatwell Homes

Wellingborough, ENG, UK • 134 Employees
Real Estate

Greatwell Homes is a not-for-profit housing association, set up to meet the housing needs of people in Wellingborough and the surrounding areas. We provide high quality homes and believe in creating friendly communities where people want to live. We're devoted to building a brighter future for Wellingborough and the surrounding areas. Our mission statement is: Wellingborough Homes will work successfully with its customers and communities to provide great services and high quality living environments. We aim to achieve our mission through our five values: Respect - We will treat each other and everybody who deals with us with respect and recognise everyone as an individual. Trust - We will be open and honest with our colleagues, customers and external partners and we will deliver on the commitments that we make. One Team - We will act as one team, working collaboratively and communicating clearly with our customers, to deliver great services. Efficient and Effective - We will work efficiently and effectively, continuously looking for ways to improve our services and deliver value for money. Empowered - We will be bold, progressive, seek to empower our customers and be confident in the decisions we make We believe that these capture our move towards a provider and enabler of a more diverse range of services and products that support and promote the wellbeing of our customers, employees, the local economy, the local community, the environment and our partners.

Housing Affordable Housing Non Profit Social Housing Community Housing Community Education Sustainable Housing Home Ownership Property Management
Details about Greatwell Homes
Frequently Asked Questions about Danny Revell
Danny Revell currently works for Greatwell Homes.
Danny Revell's role at Greatwell Homes is Repairs Supervisor.
Danny Revell's email address is ***@greatwellhomes.org.uk. To view Danny Revell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Danny Revell works in the Real Estate industry.
Danny Revell's colleagues at Greatwell Homes are Sue Rogers, Kate Brown, Loreen Herzig, Sarah Brooks, Sean Jackson, Nikki Glazebrook, Howard Jones and others.
Danny Revell's phone number is +44 1933 234450
See more information about Danny Revell