QuikRStuff came to life in 2020 in Grand Junction, Colorado, the brainchild of Bryan Wachs and JT Westcott. As passionate outdoor enthusiasts, we felt a calling to provide high-quality recreation products that were 100% invented and made in the U.S.As a startup business, we wanted to make outdoor equipment that you can't do without. To be part of a rural ecosystem, we support America's most innovative equipment designers – the daring dreamers in the garages and bedrooms-turned-labs that were making game-changing gear. They just needed help getting it into your hands.To begin our journey, we licensed the bike rack designs and patents of Cal Phillips. If you're not familiar with this infamous outdoor inventor, he's the creator of the revolutionary Quik Rack bike carrier, among 40 other patents and designs. That's a pretty good starting shot for what's likely to be an ultra-distance race. QuikRStuff's initial focus is on Cal's newest design, the QuikRack Mach2.