RateHouse ‐ Powered by Information ‐ Proudly CanadianRateHouse Inc. provides a national website for all your real estate transaction needs. Whether you're buying, selling, or refinancing your home, we are here to help. We've partnered with some of the industry's leading professionals to offer you quality services at reduced rates. From discounted legal fees, to cash back options, and competitive mortgages rates, we're here to help you save money without compromising excellence. Our website provides you with straight forward, accessible information and our representatives are readily available to answer all your real estate transaction needs.Our Values and Mission> To provide professional services, no matter what your real estate needs> To offer innovative technological solutions for optimum service delivery> To endorse only the most reliable, reputable service providers> To deliver comprehensive information in a single, easy to use formatWe welcome your feedback and look forward to giving you the tools to build a rewarding home buying/ financing experience.