Heavenly Harvest - Relish goodness of Healthy food from the best bakery, cake shop and snacks corner crafted with best ingredients, care and love for you.Heavenly Harvest@ Stmichaelfoodproductsneendoor is the best bake house located at Neendoor, Kottayam. We have been serving our customers with yummy delightful cakes and bakery products since 2007. Our exclusive products range from bread, bun, traditional snacks to cakes for all occasions. Freshly baked and heavenly caked – our healthy food products are prepared hygienically using the best and healthiest ingredients to assure you the best quality.Our range of ProductsBread- Traditional, Special Wheat bread, Sugarless, Premium Sweet and breadcrumbsBun – Spanish Bun, Fruit Bun, Traditional Bun, Cream BunCakes- Marble Cake, Plum Cake, Carrot & Date Cakes, Banana Cake, Pineapple Cake, Butter Cake, Jackfruit Cake,Cup CakesSnacks- Tapioca Chips, Banana Chips, Mixture, Pakkavada, Diamon, Achappam, KuzhalappamRusk – Sugarless Rusk, Elaichi Rusk, Ordinary Rusk, Fruit Rusk, Baby RuskFor more details and detailed product list Call : +919366617491Heavenly HarvestSt Michael Food ProductsNeendoor PO, KottayamKerala -686601#HeavenlyHarvest #HeavenlyHarvestneendoor #HeavenlyHarvestkottayam #bakeriesnearme #cakeshopnearme #healthysnacks #bread #bestbakeryinneendoor #bestbakeryinkottayam #bestwholesalebakeryinneendoor #bestwholesalebakeryinkottayam #stmichaelfoodproducts #stmichaelfoodproductsneendoor #stmichaelfoodproductskottayam #breadcrumbs