Simple Solutions - Make Web Great again Company that provides different services: Web development, Custom CMS, UX/UI design, Mobile development, E-commerce system, Digital strategy, MVP for Start-ups. These are our key values, which keep us together from 2014 year and drive us forward every day:Strategy + in house development:We dive into each project, assessing it from different viewpoints to come up with and deploy proper strategy. No two projects are the same.Digital =Efficiency:Efficiency is not an accident. Its a combined result of our thrust for perfection, clever planning and targeted action. Digitalizing oneself is what makes you efficient in XXI century.We change web for the better for the betterNot only we do our job well - we strive to change the web for the better. Only like 10-15 years ago the internet was used by large, bearded guys in stretched sweaters.It became better now, but we still want more.We understand clients expectationsThe best delivery system is simple - do what was promised, do it on time. This primitive principle helps us stay in the same boat with the customer.