Landmark Spatial Solutions LLCThank you for your interest in LandMark Spatial Solutions. Our simple goal in business is to help companies like yours become more profitable through the use of technology. We have developed industry-leading GPS and Forest Inventory solutions that are helping our clients MINIMIZE ERRORS and be more ACCURATE in their acreage, tree count, tree measurement, and timber volume estimations, be more EFFICIENT in the field and office, and achieve more PROFESSIONAL results at the end of the day. Please continue touring our website if you need help or are interested in any of the following areas:*GIS-based Forest Inventory Design and Analysis*Using GPS under dense forest canopy to get accurate acres for procurement, site prep, and reforestation *Using GPS to navigate to cruise plots*Cruising more timber per day*More accurate tree counts and heights on a plot*Inputting cruise data more efficiently in the field*Being more accurate and faster on volume calculations*Making better maps more quickly*Managing landholdings and inventories using ArcGIS