Resposnabile Sistemi Informativi, Certificazioni, Programmazione della Logistica / Produzione at 76 Industrial Graphics - Montecchio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
"76 Industrial Graphics by Serigrafia 76 Srl "76 Industrial Graphics is "an industry at the service of the industry" which constantly invests in research and development, new products and new solutions: tradition and innovation, more than 40 years of experience and of start-up mentality, are mixed in order to face future challenges.The company is historically specialized in industrial machines decorations and today, thanks to an innovation course, it provides complete solutions to manufacturers: innovative materials and a support, from the design to the delivery, are the strengths of this growth process. The complementary realities attachment policy is aimed on this point of view: being a sector reference at 360° is the vision which has guided the last years choices.Indeed, in 2018 OPTIMA has been acquired: a screenprinting company in the advertising graphics sector in Reggio Emilia, with the objective of implementing complementary competences and guaranteeing a better flexibility for customers.DECAL IN is the 76 commercial and productive unity in India. The building, opened in the Pune locality, is divided in productive department and offices, on an area of 1.000 m2.