Tax problems will not just go away if ignored. The reality is that interest and penalties will accumulate and grow, eventually chipping away at income and forcing changes in lifestyle and recreation. This ugly truth can even take a toll on emotional and physical health through constant anxiety, worry and insomnia. Tax difficulties will become woven into every aspect of life and even if a person travels far away, the IRS will not forget and will keep trying to collect.It used to be that penalties assessed by the IRS were only intended as a polite reminder of mistakes made in the past. The current penalty system can make it very difficult to get out from under and seek consultation from an experienced IRS tax attorney.Unfortunately, the longer a person waits to get help from a lawyer, the more frequent and demanding the collection actions will be. This is because the IRS does not concern itself with how the tax debt is paid. It will do anything to collect, which can include debiting bank accounts, garnishing wages and taking assets to be sold at an auction at a fraction of original worth. The IRS may even go so far as taking retirement, social security and pension funds. This can be particularly damaging because it can prevent a person from being able to build up retirement assets ever again, leaving the possibility of being broke and homeless in old age.Many people enjoy the freedom of being without debt. Getting help with IRS problems should be the first priority toward protecting a family and its assets. Calling the law office of Darren T. Mish at (888) 438-6474 is the first step toward taking control of the tax debt cycle and getting back to a normal life. Sincerely,Darrin T. Mish