Solar energy solutions are now providing clean, renewable, reliable and affordable power to Fortune 500 companies (i.e., Microsoft, Google, Apple, Coke, Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, Virgin Group, Walmart, Costco, Samsung, Ikea, Toyota, General Motors, Starbucks, Shell and a lot more).Prominent economists and investment bankers predict that by 2030, the global economy will be powered by renewable sources. The market irrelevancy of coal and fossil fuels is purely driven by economics. That is, consumers will buy and use products and services that are better and more cost-efficient than other alternatives and substitutes. The fact is, the costs associated to solar energy solutions are already way below the costs of electricity per kilowatt hour that you pay to your distribution utility. Hence, it makes more economic and financial sense to use solar energy solutions now!But more than the glaring economic and financial benefits of solar energy, what is more important is by using renewables, we all help in mitigating the deadly effects of global warming. With solar energy, we can guarantee a sustainable future for all of us!