Character / Leadership Evangelist - Law Enforcement & Businesses, Author-Becoming a Leader of Character & Officers
Join us in leading a Character Revival! www.becomingaleaderofcharacter.comWould you follow you? That is the question leaders must all be able to answer. When leaders fail it is rarely because they don't know what to do or how to do it - competence. Most leadership failures are character failures. Where is your character today? Check out We are leading a Character Revival in our culture today and looking for other leaders and organizations to join us! We speak. We train. We provide books, online courses and a variety of resources for individuals and organizations to utilize in Becoming Leaders of Character.We focus on Six Habits of Character - Courage, Humility, Integrity, Selflessness, Duty and Positivity. When we develop these habits, we become the leader we would want to follow and others will want to follow as well.We work with corporations like Dell Technologies. We work with law enforcement like the US Marshals Service and state and local police and sheriffs offices. We work with non-profits like the Salvation Army. The bottom line is we work with organizations that care about building Leaders of Character and Organizations of Character.If that sounds like you, email us at