Colibrí (koh-lee-bree) or hummingbird in español represents what various cultures in Latin America believe, the hummingbird is a symbol of strength, hope, and migration.Simply put, we view our business like a hummingbird. We build with intention through holistic web design to give your business strength, hope, and the ability to grow.What makes us different? First, we're not techies, we're small business owners too. We've been through the grind, the ups, the downs, and everything in between. Second, we know how limited your time and resources are. We don't sell you on products you don't need or want, our goal is to make your business better. Period.Our integrative approach to web design enables us to look at each interconnecting component of your business for leverage points. We focus on helping you meet your business goals and objectives by focusing on the leverage points for desired change. No gimmicks. No BS. No up-sells. We are here for you. At our core is the motto "we will take care of it." We approach each project with the goal of making your life easier. You should be focusing on your business and not wasting precious time with technology issues. That's where Colibrily comes in. We are enablers. We enable you to develop your craft and passion. Moving forward, efficiently and effectively.We our services in web design, SEO, digital marketing, hosting, WordPress maintenance, social media, drip email marketing, and small business consulting.