Live Chat Connect is a U.S. based company located in Frisco, Texas. We understand the value that Live Chat brings to any website environment by converting three times more leads than a conventional contact us form or Free Analysis form. Our professionally trained live operators will engage your website visitors while obtaining their contact information in the process. The majority of leads will include Name, Address, Phone number and services they are interested in.We take the initiative to learn about your products and services and what is available to your visitors. We engage with them providing answers to the most of their questions. If by chance we do not know an answer we get their information and tell them we will have someone contact them shortly with the correct answer. What separates us from any of our competitor's, is our proprietary Call Transfer. If the client wishes to speak to someone right away, we have the ability to transfer that client right to the phone of your choice. You will then speak directly with that client to close the sale.Contact Live Chat Connect USA Today to learn more!