Supporting People-Centered Businesses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HRA delivers people-centered human resource consulting tailored to your individual management style and perspectives. Executive Coaching and Leadership DevelopmentGet direct, insightful, confidential coaching and leadership development services for key executives and future high potential contributors to improve your competitive advantage.Organizational DevelopmentIdentify factors such as management style, leadership potential, management succession, and organizational structure that impact your ability to accomplish your goals. Recruiting SupportIf you are looking for qualified candidates and have limited resources, HRA can help. This cost-effective service provides objectivity, speed, and reliability in getting the right person in the right job at the right time. Compensation ProgramsControl your largest expense and provide a fair, consistent system for your employees with base salary and incentive compensation programs that are easy to administer. Policy DevelopmentDevelop employee handbooks and manuals that promote compliance while reflecting your management and organizational values. Management AssessmentHelp leaders operate more effectively by identifying their leadership styles and by learning how to capitalize on differences in others. Management TrainingProvide managers the tools they need in areas like planning, supervision, team-building, performance management, and interviewing. Employment Transition Support ServicesReceive professional support in managing staff reductions, reorganization, or a poor job fit while reducing legal exposure and anxiety. ProfessionalService AgreementGet direct access, at the time you need it, to HRA's staff of management professionals to answer a question or discuss a confidential problem.