Mission:We provide education and action plans for optimal health, nutrition, weight management, and obesity prevention. By helping children, families, the elderly, and others in need, we are restoring people's health and giving them a life.Goals:1. Children's Health Issues allergies, auto-immune, spectrum, ADHD, nutrition, type-2 diabetes, obesity... 2. Adult Weight and Health Management elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol & triglycerides, insulin resistance, heart attack, obesity, sluggishness... 3. Achieving Optimal Health immune system disorders, allergies, sinus, fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS, Crohn's disease, cancer, stomach disorders, ulcers, colitis, colon problems, constipation, hemorrhoids, digestive disorders, arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, lack of energy, stress, chronic pain, circulation, slowing aging, varicose veins, vision acuity, joint flexibility, swelling of the legs, sports injuries inflammation, strengthen capillaries/arteries/veins, heart disease, sluggish memory (A.D.D.), phlebitis, diabetes, skin wellness, cholesterol, bloating, nutrient absorption, enzymes, displacing harmful bacteria, metabolism of carbohydrates/fats/proteins, anxiety, depression, irritability, mental function, memory loss, cardiovascular health, homocysteine levels, central nervous system, intestinal tract, regeneration of red blood cells, anemia, DNA & free radical damage, brain & spine birth defects, detoxify colon/liver/blood, toxins, non-digested foods stored in bowels, intestinal microflora, blood sugar, asthma, bone & joint, customized nutrition... 4. Addressing Men's and Women's Health Issues libido, anti-aging, prostrate, heart health, osteoporosis, menopause, PMS, hormone stability... 5. Expanding Our Programs Worldwide our free programs help qualified persons and health care professionals incorporate health and wellness into a successful business model