Wayne Saya, Sr. is the Executive Vice President of SUSTAP, LLC, with its' principal office in Pennsylvania, USA, and offices in Washington, DC, San Francisco, CA, and Nashua, NH. SUSTAP, LLC is the certification arm of the Building-Facilities Profiler class, and can be found at: SUSTAP.comWayne Saya created Building-Facilities Profiling through the popularity and four+ star rating of his book; The Art of Understanding Your Building's Personality. In the late 1970's Wayne was an electronics design engineer for the ISD Corporation of Cambridge, Massachusetts USA, and one of the youngest technical advisers for the Arthur D. Little, Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts. While in his twenties, and invited as part of a research & development project sponsored by Professor David Adler of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Wayne later designed and patented one of the Country's first wireless jam-proof technologies (Patent No 4,234,874) for very high frequency (VHF) use of alarm systems and transmitting devices; Super High Frequency (SHF) for satellite application (US government), where Components of this technology can be found within early generation MILSTAR program designs. As a member of the United Inventors Association. Wayne is a former member of the High-Performance Building Congressional Caucus Coalition.In the late 80's Wayne participated in the HVAC re-designs to upgrade two of the country's first air-conditioned buildings - Boston's Rice building and the Fairmont hotel. As a licensed Refrigeration/HVAC technician, Wayne frequently speaks of how projects within these two historic facilities showed him more about HVAC systems than any technical or college schooling he had received.As one of the nationally recognized authorities within Real Estate facilities and with a unique understanding of interactive building technologies, Wayne is frequently called upon by public and private commercial building own