We are on a journey to create. We're using our live event/game design experience to build new and forward-thinking interactive entertainment. Over 10,000 people played our live games last year with more finding us each week. These face to face interactions over the years have allowed us to develop a truly audience-focused entertainment philosophy.\\With a focus on Alternate Reality Games and Transmedia Storytelling, we are slowly building our new media producing chops and moving into this exciting creative space. As we grow, we plan to offer numerous services from video/audio/transmedia production, story creation, audience management, experience design and consultation services.\\We want to focus on the independent creators and storytellers out there who might not have all of the tools they need to tell the stories they want in this new space. As we grow, we'd like to learn with you. Until we can produce award winning work, we are committing ourselves to learn and work hard each day towards that goal. Which means, at the moment, we are young, hungry and have a desire to prove ourselves. (Read Cheap and Hardworking! :) Feel free to contact us about any ideas or projects you might have that need a flexible and forward thinking team to make them work.\\We Just Want To Play With You!