Deputy Director Of Operations at Air Force Global Strike Command - Barksdale Air Force Base, LA, US
Command IG, Emergency Management Inspector / Readiness Exercise Validation Program Manger
Air Force Global Strike Command - Air Forces Strategic-Air is a major command with its headquarters at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana. AFGSC is responsible for the nation's three intercontinental ballistic missile wings, the Air Force’s entire bomber force, to include B-52, B-1 and B-2 wings, the Long Range Strike Bomber program, Air Force Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (NC3) systems, and operational and maintenance support to organizations within the nuclear enterprise. Shared links does not equal endorsement. No profanity, political posts, trolling, sales or anything violating these points. If you violate LinkedIN terms or the points above, feel free to “unfollow” this page as this page is about the U.S. Air Force’s nuclear enterprise.