Chanticleer Book Reviews & Media helps Good Books get DISCOVERED in Today's Era of Unbounded PublishingMissionChanticleer Book Reviews' mission is to find that next great book written by today's best authors. We love good books and the authors who write them!Chanticleer Book Reviews' mission is to find that next great book written by today's best authors.We are searching for those next great books, which are self-published, Indie published, small press published, and digitally published.Our Standards are HighThe CBR editorial team members are impartial editors, selected for their expertise in related genres and are known for their unbiased, objective, and knowledgeable reviews. They consistently maintain open-mindedness to today's emergent ideas, talent, and creativity in the field of literature, media and publishing while holding to the time honored traditions readers have come to appreciate and expect.Professional book reviews serve readers and media professionals (literary agents, book sellers, visual media producers, librarians and literary scouts) as much needed guides to the myriad of books that are available on today's market of digital and printed published works.After all, by earning the readers' trust as dependable, unbiased reviewers of today's newest works, CBR will serve the authors of today's best books.