Senior Vice-president/Treasurer at ADR Alliance for Dispute Resolution Inc. - N/A, N/A, CA
Since incorporation in 1999 the company's mediators have facilitated several thousand commercial, contract, labour and civil disputes. Using both conventional (face-to-face) and online dispute resolution (ODR) processes, the mediators have established a record of success and a reputation for fairness and thoroughness in their ADR activities.Mission: The Company will facilitate mutually acceptable, long-term solutions for its clients and their stakeholders. This will be achieved through confidential application of processes in which all parties have participated in negotiation, discussion and evaluation of the options available to them, and arrived at an acceptable resolution.Offices in Hamilton, Oakville and Burlington Ontario - CANADADISPUTE RESOLUTION SERVICES Mediation: The strength of mediation is the ability to separate the people from the problem and to enable the parties to develop and assess options in order to reach a durable solution.Ombudsman Services: Many large organizations employ a full time ombudsman. ADR-Alliance offers, as an affordable alternative: The Contract (Part-Time) Ombudsman.The many years of business and organizational experience of our facilitators enables us to work with all types of employers and their clients. Our process clearly defines roles and responsibilities although we do not determine 'guilt' or 'innocence'. We document policies, define needs and monitor processes that are critical for success. This service is equally applicable to internal (labour/management) and external (customers, suppliers and contract) disputes.Facilitation: Working with all organizational levels we strive to ease any change process through discussion, problem-solving exercises, brainstorming and training. Training initiatives include team building, continuous improvement, effective supervision, business/financial management and naturally; dispute resolution and negotiation.