Revolutionary technology for Spectral Cytometry with NovaFluor™ fluorescent dyes and BigFoot Cell Sorter to fundamentally change flow cytometry panel design and analysis. Follow us and stay up-to-date on the best practices of spectral flow cytometry experimentation.Using the Phiton™ platform, The NovaFluor™ fluorescent labelled conjugated antibodies and the NovaFluor Conjugation Kits enable multiplexed detection using previously incompatible laser lines and provide cleaner, higher-dimensional analysis of single cells by flow cytometry. These fundamentally change flow cytometry panel design, with engineered excitation, emission, brightness and stability. The Bigfoot Spectral Cell Sorter supports configurations with up to nine lasers, delivering versatility for both standard fluorescence detection and spectral unmixing. Multiple scatter options enhance flexibility with simultaneous standard and small particle detection, multi-laser scatter detection, and polarization.