CapsuleTech specializes in the automotive design and development of smart cockpit involving Cluster, IVI, HUD, Mobile APP and embedded operating systems with solutions in the transportation field. Core team members from the U.S. and China with years of abroad study and work experiences. Strong product design and service design team previously worked in local companies like: Alibaba, SAIC, NIO, ARK. We have a solid foundation in visual and user experience design, familiar with a variety of product design and research processes. Leading the completion of a numerous of automotive related digital experience design and software development work.CapsuleTech是一家深耕于交通领域的互联网咨询公司,专注提供车机系统的整体设计、开发解决方案。团队由商业策略师、技术极客、和设计师组成。多元化的团队组合打破艺术设计与智能技术的壁垒,创造汽车智能互联最人性化体验。目前服务客户包括新能源造车、主机厂、Tier 1及自动驾驶领域科技企业。