David Fletcher

manager at Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel - N/A, , US

David Fletcher's Contact Details
Tallahassee,Florida,United States
Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel
David Fletcher's Company Details
Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel logo, Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel contact details

Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel

N/A, , US • 20 - 49 Employees

Kevin's, family owned and operated for over 35 years, includes Kevin's Catalog and the two company stores. It is our philosophy that all customers should receive first-rate service from our experienced outdoor personnel. Most of our Customer Service Department and Store Associates are active outdoor enthusiasts with knowledge in hunting, dog training, optics, clothing, footwear, fishing and more.\Kevin's of Tallahassee is probably one of the most comprehensive outdoor stores in North Florida. We serve the broad spectrum of activities from camping and general recreation, to fishing and hunting with all the attendant equipment that the sport requires.\ Housed in a restored 125 year old building, Kevin's of Thomasville is a step into the past that is consistent with the rich culture of Plantation Country. The rich wood that only the patina of age can bring echoes the feeling of past eras. \The private gun and art gallery on the 2nd floor, test your mettle as you climb some 30 odd wooden stairs; but the prize is worth the effort. You will glance at significant pieces of wildlife art; then cradle a high grade shot gun that has been restored to its past glory. All of this rich heritage comes home, as if it had never left.\Kevin's quality branded merchandise has been thoughtfully created based on traditional outdoor products that enhance the outdoor lifestyle and is designed for men, women and children.

Specialty Sporting Goods and Bicycle Shops
Details about Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel
Frequently Asked Questions about David Fletcher
David Fletcher currently works for Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel.
David Fletcher's role at Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel is manager.
David Fletcher's email address is ***@kevinscatalog.com. To view David Fletcher's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
David Fletcher works in the Sporting Goods industry.
David Fletcher's colleagues at Kevin's Fine Outdoor Gear & Apparel are Kevin Lloyd, Rebecca Williams, Arthur Bridges, Lee Langston, Brandon Long, Hari Dornala, Sheila Jones and others.
David Fletcher's phone number is 800-953-8467
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