Teaching Artists Guild (TAG), a fiscally sponsored project of Community Initiatives, is a member-driven organization committed to the professionalization of the field of teaching the arts. We are the voice of the teaching artist, communicating the depth and breadth of work that teaching artists provide our educational systems and communities. TAG began its life as Teaching Artists Organized (TAO) in 2004 by a group of passionate Teaching Artists and arts educators representing Teaching Artists Hiring Organizations (we call them "TAHO's") – California Shakespeare Theater, Berkeley Rep, Creative Education Institute (formerly at the Julia Morgan Center for the Arts), Theatre Bay Area, Dancers Group, Community Network for Youth Development. With fiscal sponsorship from Community Initiatives, we began operating as a not-for-profit public benefit advisory group in 2008. In 2010, Sabrina Klein became TAO's first ad hoc Executive Director. With the help of Belinda Taylor and a new leadership Executive Committee, she moved the organization forward establishing us as a key player in the Bay Area arts education community.