Pr. Analyst, Business Partner, Chief Technology Office at Raytheon Solipsys - Fulton, MD, US
Raytheon Solipsys, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Raytheon Company, is an industry leader in the development of integrated Command and Control (C2) Network-Centric solutions for the Domestic and International DoD and Homeland Security. Through proven systems and software engineering practices, built on the invention and application of innovative technologies, we deliver the C2 infrastructure necessary to effectively control security/military forces in any environment. Our reliable solutions assure information superiority, increased shared awareness, deep sensor reach, aircraft control, air defense, disaster management, and time-critical decision making. Solipsys' staff has received industry-wide recognition in the diverse areas of sensor automation, information synthesis, networking and communications, and visualization. Our expertise is reflected in the success of our products. In use by the Department of Homeland Security, all four United States military services, International DoD, as well as many of our industry partners, our Tactical Display Framework (TDF) Java-certified visualization tool and Multi Source Correlator Tracker (MSCT) software applications have raised the bar of performance for information synthesis and display. Solipsys has also introduced a suite of software applications that solve the vexing problem of creating an extensible network solution for sharing sensor information among distributed Joint and Coalition forces. An outgrowth of years of experience in the sensor networking field, the Tactical Component Network (TCN®) software product suite is poised to revolutionize the manner in which distributed teams coordinate their actions.