Healthy at Home Providers is a nurse practitioner owned and operated primary care practice in the Portland metropolitan area. We specialize in providing on-site primary care to older adults residing in assisted living and residential care communities. Healthy at Home Providers also offers medical director and consulting services to assisted living and senior care communities. • Medical visits are provided by nurse practitioners specializing in geriatric medicine and home-centered care• We conduct comprehensive medical assessments and health screenings on all new patients• We provide preventive primary care services and administer immunizations in the comfort of our client's home • We tailor medical care plans to match the goals and needs of each client • We treat and manage chronic diseases such as: Diabetes, Heart failure, Pulmonary disorders, Osteoporosis and arthritis, Bladder control issues, Cognitive impairments/ Memory loss, Alzheimer's disease/ Dementia, Sleep problems, Depression, Falls and balance issues, Weight loss and nutritional deficiencies, Anti coagulation management, Chronic pain management