Food Programs Operations at Community Outreach Services - Kennebunk, Maine, United States
Our MissionOur mission is to extend a helping hand to our neighbors who face challenges with food, fuel or specific needs. As a 501c3, non-profit organization, we serve the individuals and families in the towns of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel, Maine.Our HistoryReaching Out to Feed the HungryWith the sole desire to help feed the hungry of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel, Church Community Outreach Services (currently operating under the name Community Outreach Services or COS) was organized in November 1990 as a food pantry. COS began with the vision of people from local churches in the Kennebunks reaching out to neighbors in need of food. Then in March of 1991, realizing the best way to organize was to collectively have the churches work together, the group asked the local churches to join. The following churches that agreed that still exist today are the original "Charter Churches" of CCOS: St. Martha's, St. David's, South Congregational, Holy Cross Lutheran, First Congregational, West Kennebunk Methodist, Sea Road Christian Church, First Parish Unitarian Universalist, and Kennebunk Baptist Church. Today, the local churches that support and partner with COS have grown and also include the following: The Village Baptist Church, Church on the Cape, Christ Church, St. Ann's Episcopal, and First Church of Christ, Scientist. The COS Food Pantry provides a generous weekly supply of fresh and non-perishable food to any size family working with the General Assistance offices of Arundel, Kennebunk, and Kennebunkport.