Mr. Jones has been founded on the belief that tea is truly tasteful when its fine flavour is established through a responsible method of production. Very fine teas with attention for the environment as well as respect for the individual form the basis of the company.Mr. Jones offers a wide range of beautiful and healthy teas. At the same time Mr. Jones wants to promote a responsible way of production and a more honest distribution within the tea chain . Mr. Jones acknowledges his own responsibility, and finds support in labeling organisations.Because of the wide range in teas as well as herbs, from various countries, every product deserves its own consideration. A large number of the Mr. Jones teas and infusions are organically grown and as such certified. In addition, a substantial portion of the assortment has been bought on the basis of Fair Trade. For those teas who were bought in a different way, Mr. Jones makes a reservation for charitable purposes.For packing materials Mr. Jones opts - whenever feasible and technically possible - for reusable materials or otherwise materials who do not harm the environment.In choosing its partners Mr. Jones will try to favour those companies who venture in a socially responsible manner.