English Language Teacher at Zhejiang Ronghuai International School - Shaoxing Shi, Zhejiang Sheng, China
Zhejiang Ronghuai International School was Established in 1996 and now has over 8000 students and faculty members. It consists of the Senior Dept , the Junior Dept, the Primary Dept, the Kindergarten Centre and the International Dept. Many of our teachers are certified to teach Chinese to foreigners. The school has already been selected as the Excellent Civilian-run School of Zhejiang Province and the Provincial Model school as well as the Provincial Key School. It has received more than ten awards on a national level as well as more than 120 awards at the provincial level. Graduates have been recruited by famous universities such as Beijing University and Qinghua University. All these have made the school a famous civilian-run school in the whole nation. Authorized by the Chinese government, The school is qualified to recruit overseas students. We have students from America, Korea, Canada, Indonesia, Thailand, Italy and some other countries. The school is among those who have the most overseas students in China. The school is awarded the team member of the internatioanl society for Chinese language teaching by the ministry of education, China.浙江荣怀国际学校,隶属浙江荣怀教育集团,创办于1996年,地处全国高考状元市、素有"耕读传家"之美誉的——浙江诸暨市。学校占地500余亩,现有高中一部、高中二部、初中部、小学部、国际教育一部、国际教育二部六个学部及五个幼儿园,15000名中外师生员工。荣怀学校秉承创办者"自强、博爱"的精神,历经17年砥砺进取,现已成为全国规模最大、质量最优、教育现代化和国际化程度最高的民办教育航母之一。学校不仅每年吸引江、浙、沪等省市数千新生就读,更吸引了全球华人华侨和16个国家的数百名外国籍中小学生前来留学(全省最多)。学校因此多次获国家级殊荣,2009年10月被评为"全国优秀民办中小学"、2010年10月再获"全国民办教育先进集体"称号,享誉海内外。