Green Roads with its partner Day and Night Solar is a supplier of solar photovoltaic components and systems integrator. Our Office is located in Mount Lebanon, PA. We have positioned ourselves as a turnkey solar distributor and systems integrator of high quality, American made solar technologies to ensure maximum energy production and efficiency.Our goal is to be a premier supplier of quality American-made solar electric products at a competitive price, for a variety of solar applications. Through our expertise, network of suppliers, electricians and installation specialists, we are able to meet project requirements of any size.We focus on engineering our systems to minimize both the capital expense and the on-going operational expense for our customers. Green Roads recognizes the photovoltaic industry as an extension of the electrical trade and has partnered with NECA and the IBEW. By utilizing local labor and funding sources we are able to drive work through the IBEW work force creating jobs and building a reputation as a leader in the industry. We look forward to meeting with your group and outlining how we may help you move forward to bring Environmentally Friendly Solar Energy and jobs to your region