A website devoted to you. Whether you are a homeowner looking to remodel your home green or a building professional wanting to learn more about how to build green, this is the place for you.Our hope is that this is a different experience than you have had before. We've been in the green building world for over 15 years and bring to you the best of what green really is and what are the best practices out there to accomplish your green aspirations.The good news and the bad news is that green building has hit the tipping point in the US. There are thousands of trained professionals out there to help you design and build your home. The bad news is that there are many people and companies trying to "surf" the green wave without sufficient credibility or training to help you do your project correctly.That is why we are here. To help separate the real green products, professionals and procedures from all the "greenwashing" that is taking place.Welcome to an adventure that hopefully will change the way you think about HOME!To begin with green building requires thinking differently about what a house really is. All too often homes have been built by a group of strangers who don't know each other and rarely communicate, using thousands of products and materials, with very little supervision to tie it all together.A green home on the other hand is designed with intention to function as a system, much as your car is a system of parts and pieces that work in concert with each other. If you change one part the whole system is affected. That is why green homes can save you so much money on energy bills and be so much healthier for your children. The thinking and design has been done with your family in mind.