Software Engineer at MICR Prime Services, Inc. - Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Pamper the check users! It is a profit strategy that works. Why? Because upscale high balance clients and commercial depositors are check users -- and the most profitable market segment. (But, you already knew that.) So, why not give these valued clients the kind of consideration they appreciate -- and deserve? Our Check Production Systems put you in charge – on demand quality service that stops the out-sourcing money drain to disinterested off-site check service providers and brings the profits back to your bottom line – in more ways than one.MICR Prime Services, Inc. (MPSI) has a 15 year history of acceptance with Community Banks and Credit Unions for its suite of MICR document desk top publishing solutions that eliminate the expense and delivery delays of out-sourced vendor services.For more details - profit projections and asset ratio benefits - paste this link in your browser: