A3A is a human rights philanthropy consultancy focused on advancing universal human rights and human security by engaging key stakeholders, raising awareness and amplifying philanthropy.We specialize in human rights issues and bring a depth of expertise to strategic philanthropy. Our aim is to guide and connect emerging and established philanthropists with thought leaders and change agents making an impactful difference in the human rights space. We counsel and connect our clients by offering a "concierge" of services, linking donors to relevant resources and helping to navigate the human rights landscape. Our clients are individual philanthropists, foundations, nonprofits, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) seeking to affect change in the human rights space and to leverage their capacity effectively. Our clients share a worldview that a more just and humane world is possible by combining compassion with thoughtful, social investments. A3A is uniquely placed to leverage an extensive human rights and philanthropy network connecting donors with results-oriented resources in the nonprofit sector and donor community.