Superlative Technologies, Inc. (SuprTEK) is a Small Disadvantaged Business providing IT Engineering and Professional Service excellence to Government and Industry customers, enabling them to better achieve their mission objectives. SuprTEK specializes in Cybersecurity solutions, IT solution engineering and delivery, Enterprise IT solutions, Health IT, and strategic business planning and management. As an ISO-9001:2008 and CMMI Level II certified company, we are known for our commitment and dedication to achieve customers’ performance objectives while delivering solution excellence that enables mission capabilities. As an awardee of the 2013 Nunn-Perry award, 2012 Navy’s Captain Dooling Professional Team of the Year award, and SDDC Small Business of the Year Award and as a nominee for the President’s SAVE award, SuprTEK has been recognized by the Government on numerous occasions for our high-quality performance. SuprTEK’s technical professionals have satisfied customers such as the Defense Information Systems Agency, Navy, Air Force, Air Mobility Command, Army, Combatant Commands (COCOMs), Defense Health Agency, and Environmental Protection Agency. SuprTEK is a quality-focused organization that embraces process best practices such as the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) to provide the best technologies and services for our more than 500,000 customers worldwide.