We are a law firm, and we make the claim that we provide our clients with inspired solutions. That is a bold claim and one we take seriously. It requires some explanation.Clients come to us to solve important problems. Problems that matter. Problems that have a profound impact on themselves, their business and their family. Our commitment to every client is to find solutions that work and continue to work. We are then able to communicate those solutions to our clients with uncommon clarity, free of lawyer jargon. We are able to do this consistently. Here is why: We nurture a deep, long-term relationship with every client that allows us to have a real understanding of their deepest needs as those needs grow or change; We hire the best talent available and foster a culture of excellence and innovation. We support that culture by constantly investing in the professional growth of every member of our team; Finally, we have imposed a disciplined, process-driven approach to problem solving that allows each practice group to effectively accesses the best efforts and best ideas of our entire team and the client's other advisors free of hierarchical restraints;The way we work is unique, and we know it works because clients tell us frequently that our solutions are inspired. Perhaps so, but only because of the discipline and persistence that preceded the inspiration. The clients that engage us remain clients for a very long time. And over time, our clients come to understand that the inspired solutions we are able to consistently generate are the direct result of the unique way we work.