Deputi Beats is the first phase of a company put together by Partners Dave Olson, Scott Radke, and Dylan Taugher that have found a better way to help music producers productize their hard drives and monetize their music in a way that doesn't compromise the integrity of the art, but could help to pay the bills. Deputi Beats is the first wave of a larger play to develop a music licensing company. Although we are coming to market focusing specifically on 'beats,' primarily for vocalists our long term strategy is to break into the film industry, television/broadcasting industry, and streaming services.Deputi Beats acts as a label, with various curated producers using the name, legal, monetization methods, marketing strategy, and promotion plan laid out by Deputi Beats. We have developed a system for fast-tracking some of the best music production into the hands of consumers in an efficient and effective manor and are very excited about the opportunities ahead.