Solar Power Australia is an Australian owned and operated company providing renewable energy solutions for industry and businesses for over 21 years. We also provide renewable energy solutions for the residential sector. NOTE: We DO NOT use any Telemarketing or Lead Generation companies as a business rule.Solar Power Australia also operates Solar Online Australia which is itself one of the largest suppliers and integrators of renewable energy products in Australia.Together, with our subsidiary Solar Online Australia, we can offer a powerhouse of specialist, custom designed solutions for a variety of renewable energy applications.We offer:* Grid Feed Solar Systems* Off Grid (Remote) Solar Systems* Battery Back Up & Blackout Protection Systems* Portable & Fixed Solar Lighting Solutions* High Bay Induction Lighting Solutions* Portable Power Systems* High Quality Australian Made ELMOFO Lithium Batteries (House Hold Storage, Electric Vehicles, Industrial and Commercial Applications, Boats, Trains) Give us a call today to discuss your needs and requirements. Ph# 02 4954 As a Business rule we DO NOT use any Lead Generation or Telemarketing companies.