We welcome you to the Liberian-American Soccer Exchange Program (LASEP)! Established on January 3, 2013, by Founder and Executive Director, David Quenah, LASEP is a small charitable non-profit organization based in the United States and operating in Liberia, West Africa dedicated towards creating opportunities to alleviate disparities among underprivileged children in Liberia. Liberia is a country with many talented but underprivileged children who are suffering the aftermath of the civil war that plagued the country for 14 years. Many of Liberia's youth were orphaned as a result of the war and are faced with extreme human trafficking in certain parts of the country. A significant number of Liberia's youth lack proper education and opportunities to grow up to become self-sufficient adults. Quite recently, the country also experienced the Ebola epidemic, which claimed the lives of thousands of adults and children. All of our members are driven by the mission of LASEP, as they have experienced being underprivileged themselves. We are not just a soccer academy but rather an academy that instills hope, growth, opportunity and confidence into our academy students with the aid of our dedicated coaches, mentors, and tutors. We are currently looking to make strong partnerships to help us reach our goals for the youth of Liberia