Coach for Leaders and Professionals with ADHD at Leading with ADHD – Coaching for leaders and professionals with ADHD. - Seattle, WA, US
LEAD WITH YOUR SUPERPOWERS – MANAGE YOUR CHALLENGES.Leading with ADHD is a specialty coaching firm focusing on leaders and professionals with ADHD – or who think they might – and related conditions.The same brain differences present you with ADHD-related challenges also grant you unique gifts, talents, and strengths – your Superpowers. Our coaching embraces a strengths-based approach to help you achieve your goals and realize both professional success and personal satisfaction. Chances are that your ADHD causes you to over-focus on your challenges – your "disabilities" – and this likely diminishes your confidence and self-esteem. This hyper-awareness of your challenges also likely blocks your awareness of your Superpowers and prevents you using them to their full potential. I believe that the path to success for those with ADHD lies in leading with your Superpowers – identifying, leveraging, and maximizing our unique gifts – while also being aware of and managing our challenges, without over-focusing on them.You can achieve the professional success and personal satisfaction you want. I can help.My style is pragmatic, people-oriented and outcome focused. I combine a strong business background with the latest in evidence-based coaching and leadership practice, and I have a deep and intimate understanding of ADHD. And I'm accessible – I work with clients anywhere, by video and by phone.Visit to learn more.