The design, manufacture, installation, monitoring and operation (if required) of integrated, containerised/packaged plant for ground remediation systems comprising soil and groundwater remediation, for hire or sale, together with bioremediation and solidification/stabilization services. In-situ Remediation Technologies include: Standard or explosion proof systems for Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE); Bioventing; Air Sparging; Bio-slurping; High Vacuum Extraction (HVE)/Multiphase Extraction (MPE); Groundwater Pump & Treat; Product Skimming and Total Fluids Extraction. In-situ solidification/stabilisation of impacted soils can also be performed using Mixed In Place (MIP) technology or jet grouting. Treatment Technologies Include: Catalytic Oxidation; Solvent recovery; Air Stripping (Air Strippers); Activated Carbon (Aqueous & Vapour Phase); Oil/water separation; Sand Filtration (Sand Filters); Ion Exchange (Metals, Cyanide); Flocculation, pH control. Bioremediation of impacted soils is also offered utilising the latest in managed biopile technologies. Remediation Feasibility Pilot Testing Trailer. The GeoStream Pilot Trailer has been built to allow the operator a wide range of options for the performance of remediation trials. The system offers vacuum extraction, phase separation, automatic liquid transfer to storage and well pumping control. The system is fully automated and controlled by a PLC with safety cut outs for such things as high level and high LEL's. The PLC is fully equipped for remote telemetry, messaging, data logging etc.