We closed the company January 2020. Whilst its clients appreciated our services, the market demand was not enough to justify a firm specialising only in the management of relational capital.Our old description was:Renuma helps organisations measure and improve their corporate relationships, to enrich businesses and the people who work in them. This is significant because virtually all business processes are relational at their core, although the relational aspects are rarely intentionally considered. The processes we use to measure and improve your key stakeholder relationships in themselves inform future strategy. Renuma combines the use of analytical objective tools with a skilled relational team. We are experienced professionals with a range of organisational and global backgrounds. We work with clients in a way that is distinctly relational for the simple reason that we believe that the solution to your corporate relational issues requires a healthy relationship with us. Renuma works with any stakeholder group, whether internal or external to the organisation. We integrate relational insights with more traditional methods of change management to achieve bespoke solutions.