Vincennes Houses LLC started long before the official licensing of our company. We started part-time finding vacant or rundown houses with the intent to rehab them into the beautiful homes they once were or that were built to be. We update/repair/remodel all of our houses to be the newest and sometimes the "best" on the block. We are a family run company that cares about people and hopes to provide them with quality housing at affordable prices. Our so called "Mission Statement" is easy….. Everyone deserves safe, quality housing which we feel is one of the most valued of the basic human needs. Second, to help anyone interested, to purchase their First or Next House.Our "trademark house" was "built" by our youngest daughter, and from it we draw our inspiration. It shows the simplicity of what a house is, through a child's eyes. Safety, shelter, love, and compassion… everything a family home should be.That is what we strive to provide our customers, everyday.