Creators of GameTeq - groundbreaking immersive interactions that are defining the future.Specializing in turnkey services to support the design, development and production of immersive learning media, game-based training software and commercial social media technologies. Specializing in the rapid prototyping of distributable software solutions, Metateq services are ideal for government S&T, R&D and FFRDC organizations. These services have strong application to corporate projects requiring expertise in GAMETEQ, productization of existing training into commercial market models, advanced data visualization and integration of the most current commercial social media technology. MetaTeq's unique value and market position is defined by the ability to rapidly assemble expertise drawn from external markets into tailored teams with military experience, government and commercial business understanding, serious games production, and cutting edge commercial media. This model eliminates normal overhead expenses, increases execution speeds and reduces production costs and risks. MetaTeq's business resides simultaneously in the defense and commercial markets so our team members possess the most current experience in the production of video games, social apps, analytics, data visualization, AI integration, cloud architecture engineering, art, graphics, design and more.