David Strickarz

Teacher at Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES) - Elmira, New York, US

David Strickarz's Contact Details
(607) 739-3581
Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES)
David Strickarz's Company Details
Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES) logo, Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES) contact details

Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES)

Elmira, New York, US • 561 Employees

School districts statewide depend on BOCES to meet their educational and financial goals. The BOCES model provides accountability, municipal sharing, efficiency and equity. With BOCES as a catalyst, school districts develop shared programs that serve children from all districts regardless of enrollment, income or size of tax base. By focusing on collaboration and cost containment, BOCES help to relieve some of the financial burdens increasingly placed on local taxpayers. The stream of shared services aid has enabled districts to avoid at least some of the growth in property taxes that would have otherwise been required. (excerpted from the NYS BOCES website on 8/18/09 http://www.boces.org/wps/portal/BOCESofNYS)

Details about Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES)
Frequently Asked Questions about David Strickarz
David Strickarz currently works for Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES).
David Strickarz's role at Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES) is Teacher.
David Strickarz's email address is ***@gstboces.org. To view David Strickarz's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
David Strickarz works in the College/University industry.
David Strickarz's colleagues at Greater Southern Tier BOCES (GST BOCES) are Sharon Cosgrove, Sheila Walton, Melissa McArthur, Arlene Jerzak, Allen Orshal, Mary Miller, Aunt Mary2 and others.
David Strickarz's phone number is ["(607) 382-4556"]
See more information about David Strickarz