Jeepney Projects Worldwide is a partnering of benefit art projects and regional conservation groups working to inspire support and restore lost habitat of critically endangered birds.Our aim is to raise awareness and help endangered birds and other creatures around the world through the creation of artwork that celebrates these important wild things. With each project focusing on and advocating for a particular species, JPW hopes to instill a passion in both the local population as well as people around the world to learn more about these unique animals, and find ways to help reverse course on their impending demise. Artist and birding enthusiast, David Tomb, is at the forefront of this endeavor. Our current project is to tell the story of the iconic Philippine Eagle and the birds of Mindanao.The Jeepney is a fitting symbol for us as they represent a quirky and authentic re-purposing of a utilitarian vehicle that has been transformed into an artful expression to thrive!This resilient spirit will be an indelible inspiration for us to contribute to a better world.