Co-founder and Director at Valeo Capital South Africa - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Valeo Capital is a boutique advisory firm that provides independent expert advice on the full spectrum of corporate finance services. We pride ourselves on providing forward thinking solutions driven advice while being fully invested in our clients' corporate journeys throughout their various growth cycles. We cater to start-ups and greenfield projects all the way to mature businesses and listed corporates.Being a proudly South African company, Valeo Capital is a Level 4 B-BBEE contributor. We are a registered JSE Sponsor and Designated Advisor, CTSE Issuer Agent and have been pre-approved as an independent expert by the JSE to provide fairness opinions. The services we provide include advice on mergers and acquisitions, disposals, valuations, BEE ownership transactions, listings, regulatory aspects (JSE, CTSE and TRP), capital raisings and secondary listings.